SEXPLORER: Volney Barrett
He is alone at home. She is at her house, and her boyfriend is not there. They are both sexually aroused. He grabs his member, places it in the palm of his hands and starts to stroke it gently, and then faster. She inserts a finger or two into her private area or stimulates her clitoris. A few minutes later they achieve their desired release, through their act of masturbation.
Known as a safe and healthy way of achieving sexual release, the act of masturbation is not something that people are willing to admit to. A student of the University of the West Indies(UWI) at Mona, who prefers to remain anonymous, said that he finds that the more educated people who masturbate will more likely admit to it than the less educated. In the Jamaican scenario, like the world over, people view it as something that only lonely people do.
*Leslie* from Kingston and *Tanisha* from Montego Bay, both confessed that they masturbate. Both in their early twenties, they noted that they started pretty early.
He started masturbating at age 12 because at the time he thought that it was one of life’s greatest experiences. He was also introduced to pornography early in his life, around the age of 12. He said that he thought it was the best thing to do.
“It just seemed like the thing to do, especially after I found porn,” he confessed. “I usually masturbate when watching (Latina) porn.”
He is not in a committed relationship at present; however, he is having sex. Presently a second- year student in the faculty of Humanities and Education at the UWI, he said that masturbation for him is a great and safe way to achieve a quick climax.
“I masturbate at least once or maybe four or five times or more per day… it depends on my mood,” Leslie pointed out.
He does not expect masturbation to affect his future prospects of getting involved in a long-term relationship.
*Tanisha*, on the other hand, said that she does not do it as much as she did when she started at 14. She said she only does it when she is not with her boyfriend and when she feels lonely.
On the medical side, researchers have said that masturbation is a healthy practice. Dr. Andrew Weil, noted American author and physician, said on his website:, “A team of scientists in Australia found that men who ejaculate more frequently between the ages of 20 and 50 are less likely to develop prostate cancer.
The protective effect seems greatest for those in their 20's. Results from the study, published in the August 2003 issue of BJU International showed that men who ejaculated more than five times per week were one-third less likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer in their later years.
The result contradicts an older belief that high frequency of sexual activity increases the incidence of prostate cancer.”
Masturbation, according to, also has medical benefits for women. It helps to ease some of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, relief from menstrual cramps, muscle relaxation, reduces stress and enhances self-esteem.
According to "Religious Views on Masturbation" on "among the world's religions, views on masturbation vary widely. Some religions view it as a spiritually detrimental practice, some see it as not spiritually detrimental and others take a situational view.
Among these latter religions, some view masturbation as allowable if used as a means towards sexual self-control, or as part of healthy self-exploration, but disallow it if it is done with wrong motives or as an addiction.
James Dobson, chairman of the board of Focus on the Family, a nonprofit Christian organization, considers it part of normal adolescent exploration and strongly urges parents not to shame their children over the act lest they have marital difficulties later because of shame of their sexuality.
At the same time, he believes that it becomes an addiction and an escape from intimacy for some and argues against it in that case. Richard Dobbins' book Teaching Your Children the Truth About Sex takes a similar approach. His overall approach is one of "neither condemn nor condone" the act.
He looks at it multi-factorally to determine its ethics. He gives a lot of advice to parents in the matter. Herbert J. Miles in Sexual Understanding Before Marriage also takes a similar approach. He views the act as a controlled tool of sexual self-control for single males and advises them in that way, while also pointing males to nocturnal emissions.
His view toward single females in the matter is different per their biology and lack of semen buildup, and he urges young women to wait to experience their first orgasm with their husband, while not making it a sin if they masturbate."
Video Answering commonly asked questions about masturbation as well as debunking common myths associated with the practice, from Kara_Sutra, a sex Educator.
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